Doora Swing door is the ultimate solution for places where modern architecture meets conventionality. This model’s universality is a result of its incredible electromechanical construction together with its genius design. Taking your different needs into account, Doora Swing system has been made to operate using a powerful German-made motor.

Idool K; It is an automatic mechanism system that can work in harmony with all kinds of access control systems applied to doors that open on both sides, operate in a circular manner, and have 90 degree hinges.

Idool K; Winged door mechanisms are our preferred product due to their convenience and ease of use, as well as hygienic, with optional infrared radar or proximity sensors, especially designed for the use of elderly, sick or disabled people.

IDOOL wing door is the ultimate solution where modern architecture meets tradition. The universality of this model is the result of its ingenious design as well as its extraordinary electromechanical construction.

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